Buyers Guide A Strategy for Managing Social

To match the growing consumer adoption of social media. Many companies have launched social media efforts with little planning. As social media spreads beyond corporate communications and marketing. business groups are deploying social media without a standardized process. In fact, enterprise class corporations (those with over 1,000 employees) have an average of 178 social media accounts and this number will only grow if left unchecked. Companies that don’t control these accounts are at risk of having abandoned accounts. lack of consistent experience, or untrained employees creating a crisis.

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to discuss this report. We’ll cover the market trends. industry problems, provide new data not in this report. give insight to the future of this growing space. We’ll also be featuring case studies of success of how top brands are showing success. please submit case studies for review. Register for the webinar on Feb 7th, 2012. and we’ll Georgia Phone Number List dive in deeper. This report puts companies in control based on business needs. Buyers are confused by the number of vendors claiming similar offerings. and as a result spend months making decisions on who to short list. To fast forward the industry, this report serves.

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Accelerate the process

This report contains the following elements: A Thorough Methodology: including 71 interviews, a survey to 144 buyers, a survey to 27 vendors, and analysis from a dedicated research team. Read page 4 for more details Five Business Germany Phone Number List Use Cases: Based on interviews with buyers, we sought to find out their needs, rather than focus on software features. Altimeter Radar: a decision-making matrix that will help buyers to determine which vendors are best for them. Pragmatic Guide: At the end of the report. In conclusion, we feature 11 steps with examples and pitfalls to avoid guide all buyers must complete.

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