That it is enough if you add quality assurance, a personal approach, low prices and speed to the text of your store advertisement. Buyers actually understand that you can’t be perfect in everything but they believe you can be a leader in a specific area. How would you describe your store? Spend some time doing some competitor analysis before you even get started. Try to clearly and objectively highlight their strengths and weaknesses to understand how you can do better. important! Know your unique selling proposition. Do you offer a long-term product warranty or offer an interesting rewards program.
We are better than others
What sets you apart from your competitors? The next step is to choose the appropriate way to communicate with your readers. The easiest whatsapp mobile number list way to do this is to think about a profile of your target audience. Try to keep the same style across all publications. It would be inappropriate to refer to you on another part of the site if the about us part uses a friendly, conversational tone. Common Mistakes When Writing Ad Text If there is no information in the About Us section of the site, the user is likely not to go to other sources for information and just close that tab.
This looks like an attempt to discredit a competitor especially without convincing evidence
This is the best place to demonstrate competitive advantage but many people make the same mistake in the process. An example of a lack of detail in SAB Directory an advertising blunder An online store description should not contain We are the best. It seems ridiculous that a small online store promises a wide range of items when it actually doesn’t. Only state what you can prove. We have been listed for many years. It doesn’t matter whether a company has been in business for years or years.