Example: Answer the questions of customers in your store by offering a guide in the form of an e-book. Think about what your customers are looking for, ask yourself what content will be valuable to them, and it will definitely be a solid reason to leave the data. A discount on the first purchase is another strong reason that influences the willingness to leave data. Such activities are the most effective and allow for a quick growth of the contact base. Subscription form: Signup forms are a very flexible way to generate leads on any page of your website, add a form to encourage visitors to sign up for a sequence of emails, download a PDF file, sign up for a webinar.
Whatever you think your visitors
Will like will have a significant impact on conversion. Example: It is also a good practice to use forms so that a potential customer can invite more people to sign up. The client referral system will be a powerful tool for acquiring new users in a short database time. If a person recommends us 3 other e-mail addresses, and the invitees can sign up another 9 people, we can expect a snowball effect that will perfectly strengthen the contact base. A good place to place the form will be the footer of our website. Chat – help for potential customers. Place the sign-up form as the first step to take the conversation. Live chat can provide another opportunity to convert your website visitors into leads.
A time that is convenient for them
Most marketing automation systems automatically record conversations and keep their history . In addition, when your chat agents are not online, visitors have the option to add their name and most importantly their email address, converting SAB Directory them into leads. Leaving data and sending a message also allows you to reply to customers at a later datewhen the consultant is online again. Example: Displaying an automatic message when the user goes to the “contact” tab to quickly and efficiently answer his questions.