A Taxonomy of Tech Bloggers

The assertion that Tech Blogs are evolving from the Golden Era to the next. Continues to resonate as a healthy discussion. I saw responses from many of the blog management teams (Techcrunch, Mashable, RWW, VentureBeat, BoingBoing, and more) both agreeing and disagreeing. As well as traditional journalists at Wired chiming in. Recap: Four Trends Why Blogs Are Evolving Out of Golden Age In the previous post, it was identified there are four distinct trends. Therefore, why tech blogs are changing: Corporate acquisitions stymie innovation. Tech blogs are experiencing major talent turnover.

The audience needs have changed

They want: faster, smaller, and social. As space matures, business models solidify giving room for new disruptors. The Next Generation Blogs Will Have The Following Traits Then, it was identified four future trends on what the next-generation blog will look like, in summary: 1) An opportunity for new stars to emerge, 2) Yet, the Ivory Coast Phone Number List rise of personal brands will be harder, 3) New models to emerge, long form content not the only way, and finally 4) that a new mix of media will emerge. To further the discussion on what these trends will mean to this industry, let’s explore even deeper to identify.

Phone Number List

To see innovation from.

A Taxonomy of Tech Bloggers This classification will help. To shape who are the players are who should defend. Those that are on the fast move, and those that could clinch a new seat as an established tech blog. To understand, let’s Italy Phone Number List segment the market by class. Ill give examples, and explore at a high level their strengths and challenges. Classification Example Strengths Challenges . In conclusion,Big Media Blogs These blogs have transcended others and have been acquired by traditional media companies.  Techcrunch (AOL), Huffington Post (AOL), RWW (Say Media), Engadget.

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