Join Altimeter Group at SXSW 2012

Analysts there, please join me and my colleagues in learning. Sharing, and networking at this annual festival. I’m excited to return for my 5th interactive festival . It’s been fascinating to watch it grow and change to now include many business folks. Altimeter Industry Analysts at SXSW, 2012 Rebecca “Trail blazer” Lieb. Industry Analyst (Content, Media, Advertising) will be present Mar 9-13th Susan “Deadshot” Etlinger. Industry Analyst (Analytics, Data) will be present from, Mar 9-13th Chris “Shotgun” Silva, Industry Analyst (Mobile Strategy) will be present from.

Mar 9-13th Brian

“Wrangler” Solis, Industry Analyst (Business Transformation) will be present from. Mar 8-12th Jeremiah “Cowpoke” Owyang. Industry Analyst (Customer Strategy) will be present from. Mar 7-12th Calendar: Let’s Connect! Daily Blogger Lounge, Daily: The Altimeter Group will assemble when available at meet folks at the Israel Phone Number List blogger lounge, in part sponsored by Brian Solis in the conference. Thursday Dachis Social Business Summit, Jeremiah Owyang opening presenter. Friday Altimeter Cocktails for Clients on Friday, March 9th, please register (limited availability) Techset Party.

Phone Number List

Saturday Syncapse event

Speech by Rebecca Lieb, Sat 12:30 Rebecca will be sharing her insights on content. Future of media, and more at this sponsored event hosted by Syncapse. Book signing. Rebecca Lieb, Sat 2pm Rebecca will be signing her latest book Singapore Phone Number List Content Marketing at 2 Sat: Austin Convention Center in foyer of Ballroom G. Sunday Will join the All Hat social event with David Armano, Richard Binhammer Monday Keynote by Brian Solis, Monday, Mar 12 Principal analyst Brian Solis will be presenting the The End of Business As Usual, at Austin Convention Center, Ballroom D, Monday.

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