Recording Three Disruptive Business Research

Themes companies cannot ignore. Working among our team of analysts and researchers. Altimeter’s Research group has found three common higher level themes that will disrupt all businesses. Working among our analysts from mobile, content marketing, advertising, analytics, leadership, change management, user experience, and social. We’ve distilled all of the trends we’re seeing and found a common thread among them. We generated the three research themes with the following in mind: the goal was to ascertain business disruption trends beyond just.

Technology changes

Each Altimeter analyst provided a unique viewpoint to help create a consolidated view of disruptive trends. All Altimeter analysts will focus on these research themes for 2012 and beyond. All our artifacts (speeches, webinars, reports, blogs, and client interactions) will stem from these themes. Three Disruptive Business Brazil Phone Number List Research Themes Dynamic Customer Journey: How can inflexible organizations synchronize with the changing customer? Adaptive Organization . In conclusion,How can an organization adapt and thrive in a real-time world? Sentient World: What’s smarter.

Phone Number List

A college grad or your future fridge?

The recording is below, and you can listen in, and watch the slides in this short 20 minute presentation between myself, Jeremiah Owyang, and partner Alan Webber. We will be announcing a blog ring shortly, encouraging the industry to Sweden Phone Number List explore each of the three themes in the coming quarters from your own blog. If you’re interested in learning how to get involved. Therefore, email us at info I’ll be writing more about this space in the coming quarters, such as benefits and downsides of automation, and where this future will head. Update: This is on the official Altimeter blog, and CMS Wire.

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