What keywords should you position

Keep in mind that a highly searched keyword in Spain does not have to be highly searched in Mexico, or perhaps it will be, but translated differently. Therefore, my advice is that to determine what content you are going to create and what keywords to rank for, you should do a keyword search in the countries. What keywords you want to rank for. You can use tools like. Or Google Keyword Planner. I recommend this post with the Best Alternatives to SEMrush 2020 Free and Paid.

Don't forget

The tag This tag is important email contact list to indicate to Google that we have different URLs with the same content but translated or segmented for users from different countries. For example, you should use it if: your content is completely translated and there are different versions of each page. In Spanish, Portuguese, English, etc. I recommend. What keywords that you look into how to implement thisĀ  attribute. Or tag so that you have no doubts about how and when to use it. Other factors that you should also take into account in an international SEO strategy are.

What keywords

SEO is about preparing SAB Directory the ship WELL before venturing towards new horizons. I hope this guide helps you better understand this international marketing strategy and know the steps you must follow to have an optimized website applying SEO for other countries. Now I recommend that you. What keywords do more research on this topic and get to work. Are you working or thinking about working on the international positioning of your website.

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