If you’re like me, you may have noticed that Twitter may be arbitrarily, randomly, and haphazardly, unfollowing people you fully intended to follow. Similarly, if you’ve ever noticed your friends and contacts unfollowed you, it may have caused a sense of confusion, dread, or self-insecurity. Before one spirals into a series of apologies or deep-depression, it’s likely not your fault, (whew!). What’s causing this? I’m not sure, so I asked my proper contacts at Twitter who responded “This is a bug, and our team is working to fix it.” They also sent me a link to their support FAQ, which indicates the known issue.
I’ll leave it to the team
Twitter to get this resolved, but in the meantime, let’s discuss how we can cope with this industry phenomenon. Imagine this bug in the physical world: Your dear Aunt Margaret wasn’t invited to your wedding due to mail Pakistan Phone Number List parcels gone missing, or your executive wasn’t invited to your big presentation meeting because your address book deleted him, or you couldn’t call your best friend to let them know about your funding announcement because his contact info went missing. The act of following someone in Twitter is an important social indicator for at least three reasons: 1) A follow suggests.
The individuals content is worthy
Listening to and you want to hear their thoughts even the most mundane ones 2) It’s an important indicator that you’re willing to engage in deeper conversations by receiving direct messages and 3) At a broader social perspective, this is Malaysia Phone Number List a gesture this person is in your broader social clan, your kin, your affinity. Importantly, in my line of work (and probably in yours too), direct messages have become a mainstay of communications with clients; in fact, some overloaded executives ask me to DM them, rather than email them. In more than one case has a qualified business request come.