The rise of social technologies over the last few years has impacted the corporate communications department the first and often most severe. From angry bloggers to ratings and reviews these departments were some of the first to respond, and take ownership. In fact, Altimeter’s Research (figure 6.3) indicates that 30% of Corporate Social Strategists report to Corp Comm. 41% report to Marketing.  Where Corp Comm may reside under. Despite this adoption. These departments have undergone three major changes. Nearly all Employees are ‘Corporate Representatives’.

Both a blessing and a curse

Now traditional corporate spokespersons are spread to any employee who participates in social communications –even if they don’t ‘officially’ represent the company. Furthermore, we found in a recent survey that the India Phone Number List unication touch points has drastically increased. To make matters more complicated, the blur between personal and work usage of social accounts like Twitter and Facebook confused communication professionals and employees alike. Companies Must Respond Faster. Customer Woes in Public.

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Forever gone is the days

Sweeping customer complaints under the carpet, as in an easily findable ‘Google world’ corporations must address customers in public as many watch on. Furthermore we see that the speed required to respond increase, as Latvia Phone Number List minor issues can escalate to larger issues within a number of hours. Business communications is no longer limited to 9-5, but now a watchful eye has to be put in place, we see an increase of outsourcing to agencies that offer brand monitoring, community management, and real-time response increase. Comunication Crises On The Rise.

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